Archive for 'Blog'

The Phamile Foundation – News Update 5/20/13

IDG LogoIDG has made a matching contribution based on a request from Miguel Beteta Rodrigo to our discretionary fund.  The discretionary fund still follows our guidelines in that every penny will be used on the children needs.

IDG has previously co-funded with Miguel a project providing a place to live for 22 refugee children for a full year in Mae Sot, Thailand.  Their ongoing support and those of past donors means a ...

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The Phamile Foundation – News Update 4/28/13

KatieMcCullough30thbirthdayKatie McCullough has funded Project #13.1 – a Bag of Rice.  For only $26 we can supply a basic food staple to 45 orphans for 3 days.  This is the foundation of most orphans’ diets and a constant need in the fight against hunger.  This is Katie’s second donation this year in support of this project.  Her ongoing support and those of past donors means a great deal to us and we ...

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The Phamile Foundation – News Update 4/29/13

Mom McCulloughWe are pleased to announce a new donor!  Frances McCullough has made a very generous donation to our discretionary fund.  The discretionary fund still follows our guidelines in that every penny will be used on the children needs.

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The Phamile Foundation – News Update 3/30/13

Adrienne Love has made a kind donation to our discretionary fund for our upcoming trip April 2-17.  The discretionary fund still follows our guidelines in that every penny will be used on the children needs.

Adrienne has previously helped to fund the launch of a vocational center for Sewing Projectorphan refugees girls to learn a trade so that they may have a chance ...

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The Phamile Foundation – News Update 4/13/13

Phuket Dinner

While The Phamile Foundation team was in Phuket we had a chance to spend some quality time with Jennifer Lo who we work with on various Orphanage endeavors.  The McCullough’s have sponsored several projects which were overseen/brought to our attention by Jennifer Lo so it was especially Dinner Richard & Jenimportant that they got to meet and ...

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The Phamile Foundation – News Update 4/12/13

Yesterday we spent the day at Home & Life Orphanage Foundation in Thai-Muang, Thailand, Home & Lifewhich currently looks after 26 children betweenRoot the ages of 5 and 18.  The foundation run by a Thai man (Root) ensures that every child goes to school so that they receive an education and access to healthcare.


Jen Lo ...</p><a class=Continue Reading →

The Phamile Foundation – News Update 4/6/13

IMG_1457After spending some time visiting we are proud to lend our support to help sponsor programs at the Agape Orphanage in Mae Sot, Thailand.  Mae Sot (Thailand) is a border town where more than 1 million Karen/Burmese refugees have come from their homeland to escape the civil war, mine fields, starvation, diseases and misery have destroyed many family ...

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The Phamile Foundation – News Update 4/5/13 #2

We visited the border where over 200,000 refugees line the borders of Thailand and Burma, held in so called refugee camps (no tents, no medicine, no official help of any kind) that can barely manage to provide for basic necessities. Tens of thousands of these refugees are children – children who have been traumatized by the ongoing war ...

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The Phamile Foundation – News Update 4/5/13

The Phamile Foundation team lands in Mae Sot, Thailand.  Mae Sot is a border town where more than 1 million Karen/Burmese refugees have come from their homeland to escape the civil war, mine fields, starvation, diseases and misery have destroyed many family structures and too many migrant children are orphans or abandoned living in slums or in the street…

Mike Arter, a local missionary who we have worked with on several ...

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The Phamile Foundation – News Update 3/31/13

Miguel Beteta Rodrigo has made a kind donation to our discretionary fund for our upcoming trip April 2-17.  The discretionary fund still follows our guidelines in that every penny will be used on the children needs.


Miguel has previously funded a project providing a place to live for 22 refugee children for a full year in Mae Sot, Thailand.  His ongoing support and ...

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