Carmen Tsang continued her support with us through a substantial donation which was used to purchase Shoes for many
of the Orphans at Agape who had no footwear whatsoever!
During my four years working in Asia, I had the opportunity to do a lot of traveling and experiencing of different cultures and life. But not all travels were cheery. Yes, some were to exotic islands and booming cities but at the same time, one step over, and you would be seeing a completely different world. A much less fortunate and poorer world.
A world so different from what I used to see and feel. A world I was so protected from. You always knew in the back of your mind such a world existed but it never hit home until you step foot on it. It was a world where children were not in school learning math or science, but were on streets begging for money. It was a world where parents were not teaching their children how to build sand castles, but were teaching them how to chase down and corner strangers for money. It was a world where children had no bed to sleep on, but were living under sheets of wood, sleeping on cold concrete floors.
They should not have to live in such a world. They should be living with a free mind, playing with their friends, not living in fear that they may be kidnapped one day and be forced to live a life of begging. Sometimes I would walk pass beggars with a child with no limbs and burnt face and, I would wonder if that is really their child or if it was a child who was stolen from his real parents and had his body parts cut off, so that he will get more sympathy points. It sounds too cruel and far-fetched, but it’s not uncommon in these countries of poverty.
This is why I donate to causes that help children. And this is why I trust donating to Phamile, knowing that 100% goes to these children. Because every penny does count. – Carmen Tsang
Agape Orphanage Background:
We are proud to lend our support to help sponsor programs at the Agape Orphanage in Mae Sot, Thailand. Mae Sot is a border town where more than 1 million Karen/Burmese refugees have come from their homeland to escape the civil war, mine fields, starvation, diseases and misery have destroyed many family structures and too many migrant children are orphans or abandoned living in slums or in the street.
The word Agape is derived from a Greek word that translated into English means love and that’s what we found at the Agape Orphanage and Learning Center. AGAPE is a place of love. You gain an incredible feeling as you walk through the gates. As one of the young boys or girls comes to unlock the gate for you the smile on their face welcomes you from the very beginning. It doesn’t take long to work out how this family looks after its own, and how everyone has their own special place in it. It is precious to see!
Agape is home to around 120 children and a school for 300-400 children in total. But it is more than that, it’s a large-scale family and includes all its teachers and staff as its parents, under one head. It runs 24/7, with all the family working together to achieve its goals: Peace, Love and Brotherhood.
Everyday is a new day of struggle in the best conditions. They have a lot of projects that require funding in order to develop the Center and to bring more comfort to the kids.